Breast Augmentation
56 yo female with small breasts who wished for augmentation. She underwent a breast augmentation with 350 cc Smooth Round HP implants under the muscle. Now she has nicely contoured breasts that accentuates her athletic physique.27 yo female with small post partum breasts with peudoptosis, who underwent breast augmentation with 420 cc Saline Smooth Round HP implants that was filled to a final volume of 435 cc. 3 months post surgery she looks natural and well contoured.26 yo female with saggy poorly shaped breasts that are genetic in cause. She has not had children or lost weight, which can also causes breasts to sag. She underwent a Circumvertical Mastopexy Augmentation with 300 cc Smooth Round HP implants. Seen here at 3 months post op with really well healing incisions and soft natural appearing breasts that accentuates her youth.
26 year old female with small contricted breasts. She has what we call a tuberous breasts. She underwent a breast augmentation with 350 cc smooth cohesive gel implants. She has a nice natural contour and breasts now. She is very happy with how she looks.37 year old female with small A cup breasts who underwent breast augmentation with 350 smooth round gel implants. She has a more natural and aesthetically pleasing shape to her breasts now.39 year old thin female with virtually no breast tissue. She is an A cup with no defining shape to her existing breasts. Her inframammary fold virtually does not exist and there is asymmetry to her breasts. She underwent a breast augmentation with 300 cc smooth round gel implants. She is very happy with the shape and size of her new breasts.39 year old female with post pregnancy changes that leaves her with A cup breasts. Her goal was to achieve a natural result. She underwent breast augmentation with a 250 cc smooth round memory gel implants behind the muscle. She now has a natural contour. She is very pleased with the result.42 year old thin female with post-pregnancy breast changes. She underwent breast augmentation with 400 cc smooth round cohesive gel implants. She now has a nice contour to her chest wall with natural looking breasts.36 year old thin female with small A cup breasts. She underwent breast augmentation to correct this problem. She has 400 cc smooth round gel implants placed behind the muscle.26 year old female with small breasts who underwent breast augmentation with 350 smooth round gel implants through a periareolar incision. The implants were placed behind the muscle. She has a nice natural looking result post op.45 year old female with post pregnancy breast changes and pseudoptosis. She underwent breast augmentation 400 cc gel implants behind the muscle . She has a nice sexy natural augmentation.33 year old female with thinned out breasts post pregnancy. She underwent a breast augmentation with 375 cc memory gel implants behind the muscle using a peri-areolar approach.35 year old female with classic example of pseudoptosis of breasts. She has 250 cc smooth round saline implants behind the muscle. She has a nice result post surgery that gives her a nice natural contour.32 year old female with post pregnancy changes to her breasts. She wanted a more volume and this was achieved through breast augmentation with 350 cc saline implants in a dual plane augmentation. She has a nice contour to her chest wall.25 year old thin female who simply desired more volume in her breasts. She underwent an augmentation through a peri-areolar incision with 425 cc smooth round memory gel implants in the dual plane position. She has nice shape and contour post surgery. Her incisions have healed nicely and are barely visible.