Breast Augmentation Gallery
56 yo female with small breasts who wished for augmentation. She underwent a breast augmentation with 350 cc Smooth Round HP implants under the muscle. Now she has nicely contoured breasts that accentuates her athletic physique.
27 yo female with small post partum breasts with peudoptosis, who underwent breast augmentation with 420 cc Saline Smooth Round HP implants that was filled to a final volume of 435 cc. 3 months post surgery she looks natural and well contoured.
26 yo female with saggy poorly shaped breasts that are genetic in cause. She has not had children or lost weight, which can also causes breasts to sag. She underwent a Circumvertical Mastopexy Augmentation with 300 cc Smooth Round HP implants. Seen here at 3 months post op with really well healing incisions and soft natural appearing breasts that accentuates her youth.
The patient is 3 months from her breast augmentation with a lift. She is happy to have her pre-pregnancy breasts. It’s an amazing transformation because it restores her confidence and her breasts look amazingly natural.
The patient is 3 months from her breast augmentation with a lift. She is happy to have her pre-pregnancy breasts. It’s an amazing transformation because it restores her confidence and her breasts look amazingly natural.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This extremely thin patient with no breast tissue underwent breast augmentation for a beautiful result. She has 300cc high profile memory gel breast implants placed under her muscle. This gives her a very nice natural result that matches her body nicely.
35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation 35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation, shown 3 months post op. Patient wanted a modest augmentation to fit her very healthy lifestyle. She is a fitness fanatic, but also wanted to have sexy natural appearance to her breasts that accentuates her body and her lifestyle.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This patient has a beautiful breast augmentation with 350 cc memory gel breast implants. She loves the natural results that she gets with this procedure.
18-24 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This patient is 1 month post op from a sub-glandular breast augmentation. She has a beautiful result with a nice soft natural augmentation.
35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This patient was interested in a natural augmentation to help improve the size and shape of her breasts. She underwent augmentation with 350 cc smooth round memory gel implants. 2 months post surgery, nice natural looking breasts with restoration of the upper pole of her breasts where she lacked volume.
45-54 year old woman treated with 275 cc silicone Breast Augmentation This thin tall patient wanted a modest augmentation to restore her breasts to pre pregnancy state. After 275 cc smooth round implants she goes from A cup to a large B cup size augmentation given that she is tall and thin. This is exactly what the patient was hoping for as she is happy with the natural appearing modest augmentation.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This patient underwent breast augmentation with 350 cc smooth round HP memory gel implants. Patient has a nice natural appearance and is extremely happy with the size. This size fits her body nicely.
45-54 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This patient has 375 cc memory gel implants under the muscle. This was done with incisions placed in the areola. We used a peri-areolar approach where the scar is right at the junction of the areolar skin and breast skin. She looks amazing and is very pleased with her body.
35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This personal trainer is 6 weeks post surgery. She underwent breast augmentation with 375 cc smooth round memory gel implants. She looks amazing and has a nice natural augmentation.
35-44 year old tall thin woman treated with Breast Augmentation This tall thin attractive patient underwent breast augmentation with 275 cc MP+ memory gel implants. Her goal was to achieve a nice modest augmentation. Even tall patients can get a result that is natural in appearance.
35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This patient underwent breast augmentation with 375 cc memory gel smooth round moderate profile implants placed under the muscle. She has a symmetric and natural correction of volume above and below the nipple and areolae.
BA Patient 12: Breast Augmentation with Saline Implants
35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation with saline implants This patient has post pregnancy volume loss of her breasts. There is loss of upper pole fullness. She underwent breast augmentation with saline implants. She has 375 cc implants that are filled to 400 cc to give a nice balanced natural augmentation.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation Patient underwent breast augmentation with Cohesive gel implants. She has a nice soft natural postoperative outcome. Her incision is well-hidden in the infra-mammary crease.
18-24 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation This young patient is not happy with the size of her breasts. She underwent a breast augmentation with 375 cc smooth round HP memory gel implants under the muscle. The result is a nicely contoured chest anatomy that looks natural. Her incision is well-placed and not visible in the infra-mammary folds.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation Extremely thin Vietnamese patient with small breasts. She also lacks a true natural breast fold (infra-mammary fold). She underwent breast augmentation to restore breast volume, but also creation of a natural appearing infra-mammary fold. She is shown here about 1 month post surgery. The incision is placed at the newly created fold and will become invisible in due time.
35-44 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation Thin patient with small breasts and pseudoptosis. She is shown after a modest breast augmentation with memory gel implants. Post surgery her main goal was to be able to resume exercise routine.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation Patient unhappy about her small breasts. After Saline implants, she has an amazing transformation to her breasts that fits her body curves well.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation Pt with small postpartum breasts with pseudoptosis, who underwent breast augmentation with 420cc Saline Smooth Round HP implants that was filled to a final volume of 435cc. 3 months post surgery she looks natural and well contoured.
25-34 year old woman treated with Breast Augmentation Pt underwent a breast augmentation with 450cc (filled to 460cc) smooth round saline implants with inframammary fold incision placed in the sub pectoral pocket.